Geisenheim title picture

Geisenheim University

On January 1st, 2013, the Geisenheim University of Applied Sciences formed a new institute for wine sensory analysis that combines research, education and practice at the same time.
When training the sense of wine taste, it is important that the lighting in the training room is able to bathe the grape varieties to be tested in a neutral light.
This is the only way to eliminate the color-psychological sensory influences and allow the wine taster to concentrate solely on the taste of the wine. As a suitable lighting solution, the choice fell on the bright HighPowerProfil-2 in the 4-channel version.
With its reduced and restrained design, the luminaire integrates perfectly into the architectural functionality of the training room. individually equipped with the light colors RGRB (red - green - red - blue), their strong, colorful light neutralizes the color differences of different wines.
A targeted and even illumination of the respective workplace is achieved through the use of 15° lenses. During the wine lesson, the lecturer uses the DMX-PWM controller to control the respective light show: Red light when tasting red wines – green light for white wines.


Geisenheim University

lighting design

FLASHAAR® Engineers GmbH


FLASHAAR® products used

mounting profiles

lamp inserts


spots / spotlights
