4400 lm/m* | CRI > 90 | 2200K - 4000K | 12 m per feed-in (dimmed)

NP Focus-4 1CH

4400 lumens, precisely to the point

With a luminous flux of up to 4400 lm/m and precision lenses above each HighPowerLED, the NauticProfil® Focus-4 1CH light insert meets the high requirements for brightness and light distribution.
The optimal choice for lighting with UGR specifications.
48 V DC operating voltage ensure high efficiency and service life and also make the Focus interesting for traffic projects and installation sites with long supply lines. The LEDs are dimmed via an SPWM signal.
A technical feature of FLASHAAR®. Alternatively, the NP Focus-4 1CH luminaire insert is also available with black or transparent PU encapsulation in protection class IP65. The NauticProfil® Focus-4 1CH is available in lengths from 258 mm to a maximum of 2008 mm.
With a length of 1258 mm to 2008 mm, piercings are required on both ends. The standard and special lengths, including the wattages, can be found in our data sheet.
Danger! Outdoors with IP65 encapsulation, only lengths of 258 mm to 1008 mm can be realized.

Download data sheet
color temperature WW 2200K WW 2700K WW 3000K NW 4000K
CRI type. 85 93 93 85
Lumen current (220mA) 1688lm/m 1856 lm/m 2024lm/m 2864lm/m
Lumen current (350mA) 2492lm/m 2740lm/m 2988lm/m 4228lm/m
822 927 930 840

Color editor Green Blue
Lumen current (220mA) 1300lm/m 2300lm/m 500lm/m
Lumen current (350mA) 2012 lm/m 3632lm/m 751lm/m

* All information on the lumen flow refers to the light source. In combination with covers / lenses, there is a material-related loss of light.

Technical specifications

Rated voltage: 48VDC (Range: 36 to 48VDC)
Nominal wattage: 26W/m (220mA)
Photometric code: 822/339, 927/339, 930/339, 840/339
LED service life: L80/B10 > 72,000 L90/B10 > 34,000 h (350 mA)
Dimmable: Signal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM)
Length dividing matrix: 250mm
LED pitch: 27.75mm, 36LEDs/m
Max. length per feed-in: L(max) DIMMED = 12m (516W)
Solder jumpers 220, 350, 500, 630mA (Default 220mA)